Friday, July 6, 2012

Our last day in the beach!!

Another beautiful day at the Santander beach! We headed back out to the first beach we went to while in Santander...the kids liked that playground best! It was actually a little cool and misty this morning, but we braved the weather, and by the time we got to our spot, it was beautiful!
In the words of a great cheer mom, "when at the beach, one must tumble" (Edie, I laughed out loud when I saw your post the other true, even when one is 6!)
Check out this youtube video if you get a chance...just cut and paste the link
...and stunt...
(It was weird to be the only ones on the beach stunting!)...and play soccer...
(trying a bicycle kick...). Chris was (obviously) able to join us again for his lunch break. All three of them were happy to get some swimming in.
Zack and Zoe made friends (and exchanged emails) with a German boy...
He and his parents were in Santander on holiday. His parents were very entertained with our itinerary while in Europe. Laugh out loud entertained. That's just the way the Benderz roll. Chris had to head back to the the conference to get ready to moderate the last session, so we hung out for a while longer, grabbed lunch at Pans & Company (oh how we'll miss you!), took a little walk
and then headed back to the hotel. We opted out of siesta time today - because our transport to the airport is picking us up at 6:40 tomorrow morning. Speaking as someone who hasn't seen the 6, 7, 8 or really 9 o'clock hour in a week, it's going to be a rough we're hoping for an earlier bedtime tonight. Chris has his closing reception from 9-midnight, so we're going to do an early dinner and maybe wander around a bit till we get tired. If I get good pics, I'll post them. Otherwise, see y'all in Barcelona tomorrow!! XOXO, Benderz

1 comment:

  1. Sleeping is overrated...besides, you can catch up on the plane ride back! Sweet dreams!
